
Homeopati mot Denguefeber

Av 30. mars 2011september 13th, 2021Ingen kommentarer

Fra Macae i Brasil har vi fått denne spennende rapporten om hvordan homeopati er utprøvd med tanke på å bekjempe Dengue feber i regionen. Spesielt blir det trukket frem at det er svært gode resultater til en lav kostnad. Les og fryd dere!


Homeopathy used Against Dengue in Macae in Brazil

With thanks to Laila Aparecida de Souza Nunes MD, BC (Homeopathy), the Coordinator General of Public Health of the Municipal Health Secretariat of Macae(**see below)

Dengue, today is a major public health problems worldwide, especially in tropical countries, where conditions are more favorable to the proliferation of Aedes aegypti. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 50 and 100 million people become infected annually in over 100 countries in all continents except Europe. Approximately 550,000 patients require hospitalization and 20,000 die as a result of dengue.

In the first campaign against Dengue, Homeopathy (April-May 2007), were distributed freely 156,000 doses of homeopathic medicine, and the population is estimated at Macaé 188,000 inhabitants. In the second season (November-December 2007), some 60,000 doses were given to the population. In the third campaign were distributed 200,000 doses of March 29 to April 25, 2008. And in the fourth year, were 26,000 doses in November and December 2008. In 2009, 98,708 doses were applied. “The biggest advantage is the wide acceptance and low cost of treatment.”

The Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits dengue, found in Brazil the social and environmental conditions favorable to its expansion. The conditions of the spread of dengue in the Americas and Brazil are similar and relate largely to the economic growth model implemented in the region, characterized by uncontrolled growth of urban centers. Brazil concentrates more than 80% of the population in urban areas, with significant gaps in the infrastructure sectors, such as difficulties to ensure regular and continuous supply of water, collection and proper destination of solid waste. Other factors, such as the rapid expansion of non-biodegradable materials industry, and favorable climatic conditions, exacerbated by global warming, leading to a scenario that prevents short term, to propose actions aimed at eradicating the transmission vector.

In 2008, the State of Rio de Janeiro experienced one of its worst dengue epidemic, with more than 250,000 confirmed cases of the disease. An increase of 315% compared to 2007, when there were almost 67 000 cases. But the city of Macae accomplished a lot: in the same period fell by 60% in cases of dengue. The secret? Homeopathy.

In 2007, Macaé adhered to modality of treatment and the result surprised the authorities reached. The choice of drugs was based on epidemiological concept called homeopathic genius epidemic, where we study the cases and was elected the best medicine. The drugs used in formulas are in Macaé or separately were Eupatorium, Phosphorus, Crotalus, Natrum Muriaticum, and Arsenicum in the prevention and treatment of dengue (in 30c dilution).

The Eupatorium is taken from an American plant, is the Crotalus horridus venom of a rattlesnake American, and phosphorus, and phosphorus mineral. The Eupatorium is used against dengue fever, is the Crotalus against dengue hemorrhagic fever, the phosphor is used to control blood clotting, the Gefion is used for more serious cases. The Natrum Muriaticum is table salt, which in homeopathic dose can be used to combat the symptoms of dengue, especially when there is a predominance of gastrointestinal disturbances and dehydration.

In the first campaign against Dengue Homeopathy (April-May 2007), were distributed freely 156,000 doses of homeopathic medicine, and the population is estimated at Macaé 188,000 inhabitants. In the second season (November-December 2007), some 60,000 doses were given to the population. In the third campaign were distributed 200,000 doses of March 29 to April 25, 2008. And in the fourth year, were 26,000 doses in November and December 2008. In 2009, 98,708 doses were applied. “The biggest advantage is the wide acceptance and low cost of treatment.”

It is noteworthy that during the campaigns, the Municipal Health Macaé maintains and enhances all other measures to control the mosquito Aedes aegypti surveillance and education of health professionals and the public. The application of the homeopathic remedy is addressed to the whole population but with special advice for those with prior history in the disease. Participation is voluntary or spontaneous. The manner of use is a single dose for prophylactic use, in three annual campaigns or according to the epidemiology of the disease in the municipality.

There is a concern in guiding people on what is homeopathy, the frequency of repeated dosages, adverse effects, and all legislation that supports the use of homeopathy as an alternative treatment for dengue. With the wide acceptance and deployment of people seeking health units, it intensified the parallel work of health education, with information about the disease, mosquito control, where and when to seek the unity of Health for care and monitoring, serving as a campaign against dengue.

The work serves as an active search, by increasing awareness and sensitize the public and health professionals, with a consequent increase in the number of notifications and a larger number of locks possible sources of Aedes aegypti.

With the forecast of migration of disease severity for children, the Municipal Health Department in an educational approach to dengue prevention in partnership with the Municipal Education held in Macaé Contest Homeopathic Droplets of Dengue in Schools with aim to raise awareness and promote the creativity of elementary school students and High School of the Municipal Education on dengue control and Homeopathy Campaign against dengue epidemic. The competition was established to choose the best designs, phrases and parodies, with its central theme as dengue and homeopathic drops against dengue epidemic, used since 2007 in the city and schools since 2008.

The Campaign Against Dengue Homeopathic Droplets in Schools guidance provided lectures and prevention of dengue in the city and 60 schools involving 12,000 students from Primary School and Middle School Units enrolled in the Municipal School in 2009.

The competition demonstrated the wide acceptance by the school population and the general community in the use of homeopathic medicine, when we have the opportunity to access it. The winning phrase was a student of Victoria Oak Matsuda, C. M. Prof. Maria Isabel Damasceno Simon – Water tank well covered, standing water will not take, take homeopathy for dengue not drop you! The winning design, was a student of Melissa Municipal School Amil Tanos.

** Contribution of homeopathy to the control of an outbreak of dengue in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro Laila Aparecida de Souza Nunes Municipal Secretary of Health, Macaé, RJ, Brazil Int J High Dilution Res 2008; 7(25):186-192

ABSTRACT: Homeopathy has contributed throughout history to the control and eradication of epidemic diseases.

Facing the challenge of controlling an outbreak of dengue, the Secretary of Health of the county of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in early 2007 carried out a “Homeopathy Campaign against Dengue”. 156,000 doses of homeopathic remedy were freely distributed in April and May 2007 to asymptomatic patients and 129 doses to symptomatic patients treated in outpatient clinics, according to the notion of “epidemic genus”.

The remedy used was a homeopathic complex against dengue containing Phosphorus 30cH, Crotalus horridus 30cH and Eupatorium perfoliatum 30cH. The incidence of the disease in the first three months of 2008 fell 93% by comparison to the corresponding period in 2007, whereas in the rest of the State of Rio de Janeiro there was an increase of 128%.

While confounding factors were not controlled for, these results suggest that homeopathy may be an effective adjunct in Dengue outbreak prevention.

Stephen Gordon MCH RSHom FSHom
General Secretary,
International Council for Homeopathy
School House, Market Place
Kenninghall, Norfolk NR16 2AH
United Kingdom
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